Match Reports

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sorry Skies!

Dwayne (5), Tony (5), JT (5) (Sub: Gavin 82mins 5,), Jimer (5), Steeky (5), O Kane (6)(Sub: Tippers 66mins 5,), Thommo (6), Fraser (5), Willie (5), Cush (6), Jenks (6). Subs (not used): Darhen, Kyley and Mike 3.

Man of the match: Owen Kane

Referee; Tim Marshall 3

I'm running out of expressions strong enough to lambaste this United team, who seem to go from one crisis to another. When they succumbed to a two-goal deficit after 15 mins yesterday, I thought nothing could surpass that, but oh I was so wrong. They got back into the match with two goals themselves, only to concede two more in the second-half and they didn't come back this time.

In the absence of manager Spike, off sick was the excuse (not as sick as us Sky Blue fans), Lee Docherty, rang the changes with Dwayne, getting a recall in goals, after Buckets got injured in the warm-up. Dwayne, didn't exactly cover himself in glory, as he conceded a 15 min penalty, although in fairness to him they seemed minimal contact with Harpur of the Swifts.

JT, replaced Kyley in defence, Owen Kane, Willie and Cush, were recalled in place of Gavin, Leroy and Darhen and the four of them dropped down to the bench. United, were caught cold after 5 mins when Mitchell of the Swifts was allowed to waltz through our defence and laid a pass off to Wilson, whose initial shot was blocked.

Mitchell seized on the rebound and jinked his way past two despairing tackles, from JT and Steeky and gave Dwayne no chance to put the Swifts one up. Little was seen of the sorry Sky Blues at this stage and a shot from Mitchell came off the bar, with Dwayne, beaten all ends up. Dwayne, charged from his goal and Harpur shot the rebound wide and made sure he tripped over Dwayne in the process.

Dwayne, was livid and gave Harpur, a piece of his mind, only to be more livid, when Tim 'nice but dim' Marshall, pointed to the spot. Immediately like last weeks penalty incident at the Oval, United players remonstrated with the Lino, but he was adamant it was penalty, but I think Harpur dived to con the officials but the decision stood.

Harpur, picked himself up and Dwayne dived to his right, but was unable to stop the Swifts taking a two goal lead, 2-0. There seemed no way back for United at this stage as the Swifts defence were breaking up all of our attacks and every-time they broke temselves I was worried in case they added to their score.

It took United to midway through the half, to get in a first shot when Cush volleyed over the bar but 3 mins later they pulled a goal back when Thommo, played a neat one-two, with Owen Kane and Cush, finished off the move to reduce the deficit. In a spell of United pressure, Jenks seemed to be manhandled to the ground from a corner, but ref Tim was unimpressed and waved play on.

The Lino, who had given the penalty was guilty of missed several offsides and received some ironic cheers when he gave one approaching halftime. Then Tony Kane, flashed a 30 yard shot inches wide, but united weren't to be denied for long. United were in the ascendency at this stage and they drew level with a minute of the half remaining, when Owen Kane, found Jenks, in the penalty box.

The big Scotsman, in his 195 appearance in a Sky Blue jersey, latched onto the through ball from Owen, rounded keeper Coleman and found the net from an acute angle. Despite there being four goals scored the 4th official held up one minute of added time and at this stage United didn't want the match to be stopped early but it was.

2nd half

The talk at halftime was to do with United's tendency to come out for the 2nd half and start slowly and let the opposition dominate the early proceedings. Sammy Patterson's friend, said he could see the Swifts winning by 5 goals to two, due to United's tendency to ship goals this season, I should have asked to name his lottery numbers, he was that close to predicting the final score.

United, unlike them, started with a flourish and Cush got the byline from the kick-off and slung over a gem of a cross and on-loan signing Fraser, knocked the ball over the bar with a free shot in the six-yard box. United were to pay dearly from this benevolence in front of goal when the Swifts condemned themto their fifth straigh league defeat.

Mitchell, nearly put the Swifts ahead when he shot for goal, only for Dwayne to save, but 9 mins after halftime the Swifts took the lead, when Harpur, beat the offside trap and dinked the ball over the advancing Dwayne to make the score 3-2 in the Swifts favour. Surely I though Doc has bring on a striker on at this stage, but he remained in his dug-out.

Four mins later Harpur, cleverly trapped a free-kick and swivelled around his maker to give Dwayne, no chance from the edge of the box to make the score 4-2 in the visitors favour. At last Doc acted and brought on Tippers and took off Owen Kane, who wasn't the worst player in a Sky Blue jersey, Willie and Fraser, were vying for that accolade.

Tippers, first foray into the box resulted in him diving, after getting a shot off, but he was harshly booked by ref Tim for simulation, unlike Harpur in the first-half. Thommo, forced Coleman into a save, but it was the Swifts who nearly scored, when former United player, Ally (Teggart), could only find the side netting with Dwayne stranded.

With less than 10 mins to go Doc made a telling substitution (joke), when taking off JT and bringing on Gavin, of all people. No harm to Gavin, I was looking forward to see him bringing on Darhen and really going for it, but we went to 3 at the back with only one recognised striker and the Swifts defence was hardly stretched at all.

Despite forcing several corners, we never looked like halving the deficit and despite four mins of added time (the ref had done his maths correctly this time), United succumbed meekly like lambs to the slaughter. They trooped off to a chorus off boos and rightly so in my opinion, we are definitely on the slippery slope now, the championship beckons, oh dear!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Goal Drought!

Buckets (6), Tony (6), Jimer (6), Kyley (6), Steeky (6), Gavin (6)(Sub: O Kane 72mins 6,), Thommo (6), Frazer (7), Leroy (6)(Sub Willie 59mins 6,), Jenks (6), Darhen (6) (Sub: Tippers 56mins 5,). Subs (not used): Fergie and Mike 3rd.

Man of the match: Fraser

Referee: Heth 3

Hows does the song go? Tell me the old, old story, if memory serves correctly. It sums up United's pathetic attempts at scoring goals at the Oval yesterday. Glentoran had raced into a two goal lead, via a doubtful penalty and a defensive failure to close down a a player (Caldwell), who ran at our defence, but we were still well in the game, but we needed to score.

But like last weeks dreadful display against the Coleraine scum, we never looked like scoring, not even when Darhen got a a bit room to shoot, but his effort cannoned off the legs of Glens keeper, Elliot Morris, who was making his 600th appearance for the host club, so I will allow that wee bit of luck, which denied us a foothold in the game.

With JT, free from suspension Spike, sprung a surprise when he started Kyley, in place of Paddy Mac, who was sick. He also dropped top-scorer Cush and gave a rare start to Darhen and Thommo, who replaced Owen Kane, He also ignored our pleas to start with two strikers and persisted with his ploy of playing Jenks, out of position and its not working.

Jenks hasn't the instincts of a striker and I think he won one ball in the air all day, mainly not timing his jumps and making him easy meat for the Glens defence. The Lino at our side of the pitch had already missed two offsides and a short goal-kick from the home team that didn't quite made out of the penalty box, but his flag stayed down.

So it came as no surprise when Glens striker Smith, broke into the box and Captain Jimer, slid the ball back to keeper Buckets, that this Lino gave a penalty. Immediately nearly all of the United players were up in arms and went and remonstrated to the Lino and referee Heth, but to no avail, the penalty stood.

As usual Buckets, chose to dive, to his right this time and Smith hit his penalty straight down the middle to give his team a fortuitous one goal lead,1-0. Most teams when faced with this adversity, up their game, but alas not United. This goal came in the 9th minute and 12 minutes later the United defenders short-comings were exposed again.

With a neat bit of play, Caldwell weaved his way towards our box and Captain Jimer, had a chance to close him down and stuck out a leg, which Caldwell, easily avoided before rifling a shot into the net past the hapless Buckets. In between these two goals, Smith looked to be fouled when getting an off-target shot in, but no penalty was given this time.

Buckets, dropped a cross and Jimer, came to his rescue with a block . Leroy, had our first shot, but he missed the target as he attempted to curl his shot past Morris and then Darhen, could only shoot at Morris's legs, when he looked odds-on to score. The United defence went asleep again and Magee's header form a corner, just missed the target and the ref's halftime whistle couldn't come soon enough for me.

2nd half
Unsurprisingly the Sky Blues came out with no changes to their starting line-up and without their manager, who was rumoured to have attacked the officials at halftime, pity he couldn't transfer this aggression to his team of misfits. United managed to fashion a chance less than five mins into the half, but as usual they couldn't take advantage of it.

For the first time in the game, on-loan signing Johnny Fraser, got past his marker and slotted the ball to Darhen. He in turn scuffed the ball goalwards and a Glens defender did the same, but Morris dived on the spinning ball to keep the scores the same. Later on Fraser, bore down on goal before hitting a shot over the bar, what a waste.

Then our management team decided to act and brought off Darhen and brought on veteran Tippers, a striker for a striker and 3 mins later Leroy made way for Willie (Faulkner), who took up Leroy's place in left-midfield. The Glens seemed to be holding on at this stage and Heth had to flourish the yellow card on at least three occasions to the home team.

When united won two corners in succession taking by Tony, then they won a free-kick about 25 yards from goal and Heth, marched out the ten yards, but with his short steps it was only about 8 yards. Tony, managed to get his free-kick round the wall, but Morris saved easily.
Then Fraser played the ball to Willie and he blasted over, the miss of the match as far as I was concerned.

Fraser, burst into the box and Morris, blocked the wingers shot, before taking him out with his follow-up, a definite penalty I thought, but when the dust had settled, Heth gave a bounce ball and Fraser didn't have to come off after receiving treatment from our physio. Maybe Heth didn't want to send Morris off in his 600th appearance and he ignored the foul as he does most times.

Gavin, had to come off injured with less than twenty minutes to go, to be replaced by Owen Kane, but it was the Glens who looked likely to score, when Buckets made a hash of a high ball and Smith, could only strike the post and later on he missed with a free header. Despite 4 mins of added time, United couldn't reduce the leeway.

With the clock ticking down, Thommo, threaded the ball through the Glens defence, but Jenks, was unable to get to it before Morris, who dived at the former Captain's feet. United had succumbed to another punch-less defeat and in the process they lost any chance of a top six place barring a miracle and got deeper into the relegation mire, its definitely 'squeaky bums time' if I ever saw them!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Christ Almighty!

Buckets (6), O Kane (5)(Sub: Darhen 70mins 7), Jimer (6), Paddy Mac (6), Steeky (5), Gavin (7)(Sub: Thommo 60mins 6,), Tony (7), Frazer (8), Leroy (5), Jenks (6), Cush (5) (Sub: Tippers 80mins 5,). Subs (not used): Fergie and Mike 3rd.

Man of the match: Johnny Fraser

Referee: Keith Kennedy 7

No I've not turned religious, I just can't think of any other headline which sums up the way I feel today, about this disgraceful display by my former heroes. I say my former heroes, the way I feel today I'm ashamed to say I'm a United supporter, better to be like Saint Peter and deny ever knowing them, there I go again, quoting from the bible, Jesus wept, lol!

Our manager Spike, pulled no punches in an interview with the BT, heaping all the blame on the players for a shambolic display, but in all fairness, he selected the team. How he continues with selecting Jenks, to lead the line, amazes me. Jenks is done, he should be playing in midfield, he never won one ball in the air last night, but in all fairness to him, he's not a striker.

But Spike, who had no peers as a striker in a glittering career in Irish football, when he won medals galore, doesn't seem to know that. Its a well known fact that 'you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear'. Fergie, it seems has other ideas as he had two strikers on the bench, while playing Jenks and Cush upfront, both of whom were simply awful.

Its obvious to me that that Cush, is only going through the motions and showed his petulance when he was substituted last night, by kicking the bench, behaving like a spoiled brat. I said when he signed a pre-contract for the Crues, that we should have got rid of him in the transfer window and signed somebody who wants to play for us, but as usual it fell on deaf ears.

Last night he was set up by the one bright spark in our line-up, Johnny Fraser, but he tried to get onto his left-foot, when it was screaming for a right-foot shot and nearly hit the corner flag with it. In an ideal world he'll be on next week and make me 'eat my words' and be back to his best and him and Jenks, will dovetail superbly, but I very much doubt it.

A goal then would have given us some hope, but it truth we never showed the conviction needed to be a force in the game. Even when the scum went down to 9 men, we were second best and had no idea how to get back in the game. Owen Kane, is another player playing out of position, he's not a rightback, he's too slow and hasn't clue about tackling.

Tony, who signed a new contract, continues to be used in midfield, but is a rightback or a wide-right midfielder, who's lost in the centre. Gavin, tries hard, but he's basically a ball winner and needs somebody like Jenks or Thommo, alongside him to pick holes in the opposition defence, otherwise he just hits aimless balls easily cut out by the opposition.

Leroy, was playing wide-left, but he hardly got one cross in, his first move is back instead of forward, a waste of time in my book. The number of passes that went astray last night, when were in attack mode, are too numerous to mention. We gave a master-class in the art of giving the ball away, when we looked like getting a sniff of goal.

No doubt the fans will be baying for Spike's blood and rightly so in my opinion, but our board will be unmoved, but if we don't turn our season around in the next couple of weeks, relegation will become a stark reality as the teams below us start to win games and 28 points is still not enough, we need at least 33 points to be safe from automatic relegation and a lot more to avoid the play-off.

Spike, made five changes from his starting line-up from United's ill-fated trip to Fermanagh, out went Kyley, Fergie, Thommo Mike 3 and Tippers. In came Tony, Captain Jimer and Gavin, free from suspension and Leroy got a rare start and on-loan signing from Linfield, Johnny Fraser got a right-wing berth

To the game itself, truth be told it was a game that's best forgotten, we showed nothing in the first-half, except a Cush shot, when Tony, played a short-corner to him, but he hit the bar instead of working the keeper and another Tony, corner to the far post, but nobody was lying wide and it went for a goal-kick, what a waste.

Jenks, should have done better when Fraser, picked him out with a pass, but he shot straight at the keeper who punched the shot over the bar, with the whole right-side of the goal gaping, but Jenks, is not a striker, he's just filling in for (Gary Twigg), it seems. Why else would Spike, leave two strikers sitting on the bench, when we're crying out for strikers.

The half ended with Cush, trying to field a ball that came back to him when his free-kick was cleared and from just inside the scum half, he tried to pick out Buckets and only succeeded in putting us under pressure, giving away a needless corner. Luckily we survived to halftime without further incident and the match seemed to be evenly poised.

2nd half

Seven minutes into this half the scum took the lead, when Steeky was caught in possession and a Parkhill shot seemed to be going wide, only for Owen Kane, to stick out his boot and deflect it into the path of McCauley, who sidestepped Owen's challenge and rifled the ball into the net off Paddy Mac's outstretched foot, a catalogue of errors in United's defence.

But what's new I hear you ask, I looked to our bench with this goal came and Fergie, was nowhere to be seen, I though he should be out trying to inspire our boys to not let their heads drop, but he thought otherwise. Johnny Fraser, who had to go off to the changing rooms for what I can only assume was a toilet break, gave us some hope.

Fraser set up Tony, but he headed over with the goal at his mercy and then Fraser got to the byline and set up Cush, but United's former talisman, decided to try to get the ball on his favoured left-foot, before bleanging the ball wide of the goal. Fergie, then made his first sub taking off Gavin and bringing on Thommo.

This move as far as I can tell did nothing to enhance our chances and we lost Gavin's ball winning talents and we were to pay for this greatly when the scum put the game beyond us with another goal. It seemed to be keepers ball when Parkhill, was given the freedom of the park and hit a hopeful ball towards the United goal.

But Buckets, hesitated and McLaughlin, beat him to the ball to score and give the scum a two goal cushion. Three mins later the scum were rightly reduced to ten men, when Morrow, needlessly went in over the top on Owen Kane and the ref had no choice but to send the scum man off, I though foolishly we could get back in the game.

Another three mins had elapsed, when scum leftback Edgar, tugged Fraser's jersey and picked up a yellow card, his second and McLaughlin, protested so vehemently about this, he got booked also. But despite United having a numbers advantage over the scum they couldn't make their superiority count.

Owen Kane, was replaced with Darhen after 70 mins, Tippers replaced the frustrated Cush, after 80 mins. Despite 5 mins of added time, the closest United came to scoring was when Darhen's shot was pushed for a corner by scum keeper Johns and a Paddy Mac header came back off the post. United were devoid of ideas and played into the scum's strengths, by playing high balls instead of trying to unlock their defence.

I honestly didn't see Tippers, in the 15 mins he was on the field and by the end of the match the United fans were pleading with the referee to blow his whistle as they only wanted to get home. United came off to a chorus of boos and for once the ref got a bit of applause, he had no bearing on the result, but he did his job to the letter.

We had to endure the scum supports taunts, deserved I should add, when they outstayed their welcome and it took us forty mins to get out of the car park as we had to stay behind to let them get to their caravans (cars and vans I should have said, I apologise unreservedly to any travelling people reading this report)!